News & Updates
Read more about the latest news and updates on the industry policies and upcoming deadlines to ensure up-to-date coverage.

Issuance and Validity of TIN Card and Certificate of Registration
The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) has issued Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 58-2023 to prescribe and clarify the following policies and guidelines on the issuance of Tax Identification Number

July 2023 Tax Calendar
Filing and paying taxes is a responsibility that every taxpayer and business owner must accommodate to ensure their compliance with the existing tax laws. To help you settle your obligations

Optional Filing and Payment of Monthly VAT Returns
Under the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law, VAT-registered taxpayers are no longer required to file the Monthly VAT Declaration (BIR Form 2550M) but will instead file the

June 2023 Tax Calendar
Don’t let procrastination cost you penalties, stress, and missed deadlines by making it a responsibility to file and pay your taxes on time. To give you a good start, here

Ten Percent (10%) Discount and VAT Exemption for Solo Parents
For solo parents, it can be challenging to manage finances and provide for their family’s needs. That’s why with the Expanded Solo Parents Welfare Act, they are now provided some

Guide to Filing Estate Tax Amnesty Return
With only few months left until the deadline, here’s what you need to know about the availment of Estate Tax Amnesty and the filing of Estate Tax Amnesty Return (ETAR):